Film treatment

Psychological Thriller
18 year old girl is a new exchange student at school. During Psychology class, a picture of an old murder suspect (from 1987) is shown on the screen who looks similar to the new student. The suspect was never found and the case remains unsolved. A group of friends decide to research into her but find nothing on the Internet. The girl becomes obsessed with the boy and she invites him to her house. The boy goes missing, in a similar way to the previous case. His friends begin to worry when he doesn’t turn up to school the next day. They decide to go to her home to find him but there they discover her dark secret: the girl has been murdering her victims and keeping them in her house for 30 years

Gabriel – Matthew
Anastasia - Kamile
Other friends played by: Lorraine, Dzestina, Chloe Jean
Psychology Teacher

Film Title Ideas:
Infatuated, Resurrection, Reborn

Tense orchestral music, Introduction to characters at school in first half, Low key lighting for the second half House location, Fast pace editing and hand held camera for action sequences, Blood & Gore

School – classroom D3
Refectory – Common room scene
Streets of Forest Gate
Gabriel’s House
House of antagonist

Mise en scene:
In the classroom setting
-       Sixth Form Uniform whilst in School
-       Laptop when researching
-       Interactive whiteboard revealing historical photo
-       Newspapers showing previous murders
-       Gabriel’s phone (text messages from Anastasia)

House scenes:
-       Urban teenage clothing for scenes outside of School
-       Traces of blood
-       Female wears white nightie

-       Body bags


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