Psychological thriller moodboard
The moodboard consists of various psychological horror films, including an iconic scene from the 1960's classic 'Psycho', produced and directed byAlfred Hitchcock. The film was praised as a major work of cinematic art by international film critics and scholars. It also includes a poster of the American horror 'Get Out' (2017). Get Out was considered by some commentators as a satire on the dynamics of so-called "West Wing liberals" who consider themselves to be allies to movements against racism, yet do more harm than good. "It exposes a liberal ignorance and hubris that has been allowed to fester. It's an attitude, an arrogance which in the film leads to a horrific final solution, but in reality leads to a complacency that is just as dangerous".
Elements of religion often play a part in psychological thrillers which is perhaps used to amplify the binary opposites within horrors, that being good and evil, with the good being reference to religion, specifically Christianity. The bad is often associated with supernatural creatures e.g. the devil, or an individual being possessed by something of the sort.
Children are often used in psychological horrors as they stereotypically represent innocence and vulnerability, but within a horror setting they become the opposite of this which unsettles the viewer.
Elements of religion often play a part in psychological thrillers which is perhaps used to amplify the binary opposites within horrors, that being good and evil, with the good being reference to religion, specifically Christianity. The bad is often associated with supernatural creatures e.g. the devil, or an individual being possessed by something of the sort.
Children are often used in psychological horrors as they stereotypically represent innocence and vulnerability, but within a horror setting they become the opposite of this which unsettles the viewer.
Great mood board that really captures the genre!