Applying theory to our trailer
Equilibrium - introduction to characters
Equilibrium - introduction to characters
- Gabriel in school setting & introduction of Anastasia in classroom setting
Disruption - montage/fast pace editing
- Development of Anastasia and Gabriel's relationship
Post colonial theory - characters are all deracialised
- White female antagonist
- Black male protagonsit
Binary opposites - good vs. evil
- Anastasia - evil
- Gabriel - ambiguous/false hero/male damsel in distress
Propp's spheres of action:
Friends: heroes/helpers/donors
Gabriel: false hero/prince
Anastasia: Villain
Roland Barthes' Enigma code:
- Why does Anastasia not age?
- What does Gabriel do to make him the target?
- What are Anastasia's motives?
- What happens to Gabriel in the end?
- female heroes and female antagonist ---> subverts stereotypes
- subverts traditional narrative ---> subverts Steven Neale's predictable pleasures
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